Artifact for RFUSE: Modernizing Userspace Filesystem Framework through Scalable Kernel-Userspace Communication (FAST 2024)

Artifact Description:

This is the artifact for the FAST '24 paper "RFUSE: Modernizing Userspace Filesystem Framework through Scalable Kernel-Userspace Communication". RFUSE is a novel userspace filesystem framework that utilizes scalable message communication between the kernel and userspace using a per-core ring channel as a communication channel. This artifact comprises the RFUSE source code and scripts utilized in the benchmarks presented in the paper.

For more detailed documentation, please refer to the README of the Git repository.


Link to the paper


TITLE = "{RFUSE}: Modernizing Userspace Filesystem Framework through Scalable Kernel-Userspace Communication",
AUTHOR = "Kyu-Jin Cho and Jaewon Choi and Hyungjoon Kwon and Jin-Soo Kim",
NOTE = "To appear, won all 3 Artifact-Evaluation badges",
BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '24)",
ADDRESS = "Santa Clara, CA",
MONTH = "February",
YEAR = "2024",
PUBLISHER = "USENIX Association"

Reproducibility status:

This artifact was evaluated by USENIX FAST 2024 Artifact Evaluation Committee members and awarded all 3 Artifact-Evaluation badges: Artifacts Available, Artifacts Functional, and Results Reproduced.


For artifact evaluation, we have provided convenient scripts to execute the benchmarks used in our experiments. Please refer to bench/ for detailed instructions.


For any support, please email Kyu-Jin Cho (

5 3 - 1 Jan. 28, 2024, 8:21 AM


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Download with git

Clone the git repository for this artifact, and checkout the version's commit

git clone
# cd into the created directory
git checkout d9f1df689bdaa30e748b8968624d537edfe99265

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